



# 登記會員本人可選擇享受閃爍明眸眼部護理服務或 REPLASTY 手部護理服務乙次。

1. 只限登記本人享用護理服務,不得將其享用服務轉讓予他人,所有轉發均無效。參加者必須按照預約登記的指定店鋪、日期及時間進行服務及換領。逾時 5 分鐘將被視為主動放棄預約,不設按時延後及任何追溯補領,不得異議。

2. 閃爍明眸眼部護理服務暫時不可於金鐘太古廣場 Harvey Nicholas 店及銅鑼灣崇光百貨店體驗。會員仍可享受 REPLASTY 手部護理服務。

3. 所有預約時間只能更改一次; 顧客最遲可在預定時間1天前更改預約時間。

4. 數量有限,送完即止。圖片只供參考。如有任何爭議,相關零售商及 HELENA RUBINSTEIN Hong Kong 保留最終決定權。

# Registered members can enjoy either Eye Brightening Massage or REPLASTY Hand Massage once.

1. The above offer is exclusive for registered members and is strictly non-transferable. Participants shall enjoy the service and redeem the additional experience kit at the designated store, date and time as per appointment. Any late arrivals exceeding 5 minutes will be considered cancellations, with no rescheduling nor compensation. Helena Rubinstein reserves the right to make final decisions without any prior notice.

2. Eye Brightening Massage service is temporarily unavailable at Harvey Nichols Pacific Place Store and Sogo Causeway Bay Store. Members can still enjoy REPLASTY Hand Massage service.

3. Each member can reschedule his/her booking for once and at least 1 day prior to the original booking time.

4. Stock is limited and available only while stock lasts. Images are for reference only. All matters of dispute are subject to the final decision of related retail & HELENA RUBINSTEIN Hong Kong.

按下 【提交】,代表閣下同意閣下已滿18歲或已獲得閣下父母或監護人對以上的同意。
Once the form is submitted, you have confirmed that you are at least 18 years old or have gained consent from your parent or guardian for the above.